Expert calligrapher - Perito Calígrafo Salgado
Experto perito calígrafo judicial en Madrid. Informes periciales en 24 horas. Documentoscopia
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  • Perito calígrado, informe viabilidad


    Feasibility reports, Reports, Contradictory judicial and extra judicial Reports.

  • Perito calígrafo en Madrid, asistencia a juicios


    Assistance in courts, Magistracies, Arbitration Courts, as well as orientation to private clients.

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    Forgeries in all types of documents containing handwritten and signature.

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    Handwritten wills. Text and signature analysis.

  • Anónimo, pintadas. Perito calígrafo en Madrid


    Anonymous, painted and graffiti made on different materials.

Cabinet of experts in Calligraphic Expertise 

Unlike the graphologist, the calligrapher expert determines the identity of the writer from the point of view of authorship, without determining any personality characteristics of the subject in question. This task is carried out through the so-called «letter matching», commonly known as «calligraphic expert evidence».

The calligraphic expertise not only analyzes the authenticity or the falsity of the signatures stamped on a document, but it is also capable of being used to compare handwritten texts, numbers, or any graphic stamping done manually. It is also possible to analyze graffiti, graffiti stamps, rubber stamps, signs or in some cases drawings.

Typically, calligraphers have knowledge of graphology, although it is not strictly mandatory, but not all graphologists have knowledge of calligraphic expertise, since it  JUDICIAL CALLIGRAPHY EXPERT is one of the most complex specialty within CRIMINALISTICS AS A FORENSIC SCIENCE.

It requires greater technical knowledge and a very specific action within the judicial scope, by requiring the expert before the Court, which in case of non-compliance can have civil and criminal consequences, so not everyone feels trained to defend an opinion before a Court.

In graphology, many people think that he is already a graphologist or that he can make a Graphological Report for having read an informative book in which he tells you that the letter «g» indicates the sexuality of a person, and they stay so wide. It is very difficult to control because there are no regulated studies.

In any case, there are deontological decalogues, generally brought from the French School of Graphology, which is currently the most recognized and respected worldwide, which are used as manuals of good practices, without its lack of application can be denounced officially by the rest of graphologists that dedicate ourselves to this profession.

In matters of calligraphic expertise there is less intrusiveness, because few graphologists are shown to be able to stand before a Tribunal to answer the questions of the parties or a Magistrate. A court imposes a lot, and not everyone is willing to take on that challenge.

The judicial calligraphy expert must accredit his university studies in the matter or prestigious schools throughout the years.

Our Cabinet of experts in Calligraphic Expertise will be happy to assist you. If you have a document that you think may have been forged, please contact us via email and we will answer any questions about it.

Gabinete Pericial con marco de actuación en toda la Comunidad de Madrid. Experto Perito Calígrafo Judicial. Profesionales con titulación universitaria

Perito Calígrafo Judicial

Perito Calígrafo Judicial

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